Keep Your Home Bedbug-Free
Bedbugs are persistent pests that can quickly infest homes, hotels, and offices. Their small size and ability to hide in tiny cracks make them difficult to eliminate once an infestation starts. Prevention is the best approach to keep these unwanted pests out of your home.
At Rafiki Pest Control®, we specialize in bedbug extermination and prevention to help you maintain a pest-free environment. Here’s how you can prevent bedbugs from invading your space.
1. Inspect Second-Hand Furniture Before Bringing It Home
- Bedbugs often hitchhike on used furniture, mattresses, and clothing.
- Check for small brown stains, shed skins, or live bedbugs in the seams and crevices.
- Use a flashlight to inspect hidden corners and cracks before bringing furniture inside.
- Avoid picking up discarded furniture from the streets—it may be infested.
2. Protect Your Bed and Mattress
- Since bedbugs hide in mattresses and bed frames, sealing your bed properly can prevent infestations.
- Use a bedbug-proof mattress encasement to trap any hidden bedbugs.
- Keep the bed away from the walls to limit hiding spots.
- Wash and dry bed sheets, blankets, and pillowcases on high heat settings weekly.
3. Be Cautious When Traveling
- Hotels, public transport, and even luggage can be breeding grounds for bedbugs.
- Inspect hotel beds and furniture before unpacking your luggage.
- Keep your bags off the floor and bed—use luggage racks instead.
- After traveling, wash all clothes in hot water and vacuum your suitcase.
4. Declutter and Clean Your Home Regularly
- Bedbugs love hiding in clutter, so maintaining a clean and organized space reduces their hiding places.
- Vacuum floors, carpets, and furniture regularly.
- Seal cracks and gaps in walls, baseboards, and furniture.
- Avoid excessive storage under the bed, as this creates more hiding spots.
5. Use Bedbug Prevention Sprays
- Applying bedbug repellents can help protect your home.
- Use bedbug insecticides like Kungu Nil 200SL from Rafiki Pest Control®.
- Spray around bed frames, furniture, and luggage after traveling.
- Consider DIY bedbug treatments with approved pesticide solutions.
6. Inspect and Clean Shared Laundry Facilities
- Bedbugs can transfer from one person’s laundry to another in public laundromats.
- Use high heat when drying clothes to kill any hidden bedbugs.
- Transport laundry in sealed plastic bags to avoid exposure.
- Inspect laundry baskets and folding tables before placing your clean clothes.
7. Call Professionals If You Suspect an Infestation
- Early detection is crucial to prevent bedbug infestations from spreading.
- If you notice bedbug bites, stains, or live bugs, act fast.
- DIY treatments may not be enough for large infestations—professional help is recommended.
At Rafiki Pest Control, we offer effective bedbug control services tailored to your needs.
Protect Your Home with Rafiki Pest ControL. Bedbugs are stubborn pests, but with the right prevention strategies, you can keep them out of your home. If you're dealing with an infestation, don't wait—contact Rafiki Pest Control today for professional bedbug extermination services.